Invest with Confidence

Your Ultimate Destination for Financial Freedom in Kenya! Join us today and unlock your wealth potential effortlessly. Start your journey towards financial empowerment now!

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Unlock Investment Opportunities

EasyShares offers a revolutionary platform where users can buy and sell shares at competitive prices, leveraging our innovative Rate of Investment (ROI) system.

  • Lower Cost Shares: Purchase shares at a reduced price compared to traditional markets.
  • Customized ROI: Choose your desired Rate of Investment (ROI) upto 50% when selling shares, maximizing your profit potential.
  • Automated Matching: Our platform uses a "First come, first served" policy to match buyers and sellers seamlessly, ensuring swift transactions.
  • Immediate Execution: Transactions are processed promptly upon order placement, providing efficiency and liquidity.

Join our growing community of investors and explore the possibilities with EasyShares today!

How EasyShares Works

Step 1

Step 1: Sign Up

Register for an EasyShares account to gain access to our innovative platform. Verify your email to begin buying and selling shares.

Step 2

Step 2: Deposit funds into your account

Deposit money into your Cash balance account. Deposit the amount that aligns with your financial ability upto Ksh 100,000.

Step 3: Start Exchanging Shares

Once you've setup everything, you can start buying shares at a lower price. Sell them to other users at a higher price with our custom Rate of Investment (ROI) system, maximizing your profit potential.

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Step 3

Payout System

Our money payment agent is M-Pesa, providing convenient and reliable transactions. Deposits and withdrawals are instant, ensuring seamless transactions for our users.


  • Maximum deposit: 100,000 KES
  • Minimum deposit: 375 KES


  • Maximum withdrawal: 100,000 KES
  • Minimum withdrawal: 100 KES

All transaction charges are the ones provided by M-Pesa.

Step 2

The Most Popular and Only Shares Exchange Platform

We are the most popular and only shares exchange platform. At EasyShares, we provide a unique space dedicated solely to the exchange of shares, offering users unparalleled access to a diverse array of shares. Our platform prioritizes transparency, security, and ease of use, empowering investors to seamlessly buy and sell shares with confidence. Join us today and discover a new way to navigate the world of shares exchange.

Ready to make money ?

Let's get into it then.